素空庵 / Soku-an
一棟貸し町家 – One private party per day
@静岡、蒲原 – Kambara, Shizuoka
Three-minute walk to Suruga Bay. It is a 3-minute walk to Suruga Bay and a 15-minute drive to Satto Pass, which is said to have the most spectacular view on Tokaido. The 120-year-old townhouse, which stands quietly along the Tokaido Highway, was used as the atelier and residence of a hyo-gushi (a craftsman who tailored hanging scrolls and other objects) who also served the Tokugawa family.” As an “ryokan-style cultural facility,” the house is boldly decorated with works by contemporary artist Aiko Yamamoto, giving guests the feeling that they have rented out the entire museum.
We hope you will experience the beautiful values of the town of Kambara, surrounded by the sea and mountains, and heal yourself from the stresses of modern life. Convenience stores and supermarkets are nearby, and we have two bicycles available for free use. Although the stores around the inn close early at night, we hope that you will have a memorable stay by cooking your own meals at the inn or ordering sushi catered to your table.
宿泊概要 / Outline
一軒貸し切り町家(5名まで)/ Townhouse for rent (up to 5 persons)
Check-In:15:00〜 , Check-Out:〜11:00
Tatami Room
There are two Japanese-style tatami rooms on the entrance side. The large tables are reused workbenches that were used for making hanging scrolls. The daughter told us that her father, a craftsman, was very careful not to make the surface uneven because of the delicate nature of the work.
You will have access to a kitchen equipped with an induction stove and a minimum of cooking utensils and condiments. Please feel free to use the plates, cups, wine glasses, and other unique tableware.
ShowerRoom & Toilet
A spacious shower room is available. Toilets are equipped with state-of-the-art bidet to ensure your comfort.
The mattress is about 10 cm thick, so you can sleep comfortably without feeling like you are on the floor. The comforter is full of padding but lightweight so as not to hinder turning over in bed.
The works displayed on the walls of the Japanese-style room were created using the “Nikko-shashin” technique, in which unique patterns emerge when placed under the shade of a tree or on the pulls of a sliding door, allowing the viewer to feel the passage of time.
Aiko Yamamoto, who discovered during her stay the “careful lifestyle” of a table clothier who once lived here, respectfully stitched and dyed this huge frame work in the same size as it had been kept in storage.
Facing a space reminiscent of a “community courtyard,” we have prepared a spacious south-facing wood deck. It’s the perfect serene space to bring out an outdoor chair for reading or tea time.
設備 / Services
- インターネットアクセス / Internet (WI-FI)
- エアコン / Air-conditioner/Heater
- シャワールーム / Shower room
- 水洗トイレ/ Toilet : Washlet
- シャンプー / Shampoo
- コンディショナー / Conditioner
- ボディソープ / Body soap
- ミニバスタオル / Towels
- ミネラルウォーター / Bottled water
- 食器・カトラリー類 / Table ware/ Cutlery
- 鍵付きロッカー
- 玩具(投扇興、ボードゲーム等)
- 駐車場 / Parking ※場所はご予約後お問合せください。
- 歯ブラシ(SANYO) / Toothbrush
- 布団(OFUTON KOBO) / Futon
- リネン / Bedding
- ヘアドライヤー / Hair dryer
- ドリップコーヒー(Archipelago Roastery) / Drip Coffee
- 日本茶(KAWABATA) / Green Tea
- キッチン / Kitchen
- 電子レンジ / Microwave
- 電気ケトル / Hot water pot
- 冷蔵庫 / Refrigerator
- 書斎 / Study room
山本 愛子 / Aiko Yamamoto
現代美術家 / Contemporary Artist
主に布や糸に染色を用いた作品制作を行っている。タペストリーやレリーフ、空間表現など、様々な形態で 作品を発表。インドネシア、カンボジア、中国、台湾などアジアを中心にレジデンス、展覧会、プロジェク ト等、精力的に活動をしている。旅先で得られるアイディアも多く、他者との対話に基づいた染織の可能性 を独自の実践的な方法で追求している。
Aiko Yamamoto’s works of various forms such as tapestry, relief, and installation are based on experience learned from the field of textile. She has worked about dyeing workshops and projects through communication with others both domestic and international. She has worked on research related to dyeing, mainly in Asian countries such as Japan, Indonesia, Cambodia, China, Taiwan. She pursues the possibilities of “fabric” and “dye” by her own practical method.
2017 東京藝術大学大学院先端芸術表現科 修了 / MA, Graduate School of Fine Arts Inter-Media Art, Tokyo University of the Arts
2014 武蔵野美術大学工芸工業デザイン学科テキスタイル専攻 卒業 / BA, Craft Design Textile Course, Industrial and Craft Design, Musashino Art University
〈 受賞 / フェローシップ 〉
2018-2019 平成30年度ポーラ美術振興財団在外研修員として中国で研修 / The Pola Art Foundation Fellowship – Stay in China
2015 官民協働海外留学支援制度 トビタテ留学JAPAN 日本代表プログラム / Tobitate Japan program
2015 新潟伝統織物 亀田縞 2015年度グッドデザイン賞 受賞 / Niigata Traditional Textile Kamedashima – Good Design Award
2013 第2回床の間アートコンペ 最優秀賞受賞 (古湯温泉ONCRI /佐賀) / 2nd Tokonoma Arts Competition – Best Award Winner
photo : 田中裕志、牧田沙弥香
movie : KURABUCHI Hiroyuki